How to Convert Indev to Infdev world of minecraft
How to Convert Indev to Infdev world of minecraft
1. Download Python to be able to run the Program.
2. In Command Prompt, run the command "python -m pip install nbtlib", if
this doesn't work, check if you have downloaded Python correctly.
3. Place the .mclevel file into this Folder and then run
( If no worlds are found and there is definitely a world, try running the
program as administrator. You can do this by running command prompt as
administrator and running it from there.)
4. After running, the world will save as World1. You can rename this to
World1-World5 if you already have a world named World1. Move this folder to
your Minecraft saves. Your Indev save has now been Converted.
- It cannot convert worlds that are not the default size (Shape and size
must be set to Square and Normal), nor can it check whether the block IDs
are compatible with the version you are upgrading to.
- Worlds are repopulated once updating. That means you will see more trees,
ores and caves than you might expect.
- If your world crashes when you load, you may have chunks with invalid IDs
in that version, probably old coloured cloths or Water and Lava blocks.
- If your world crashes upon opening a chest, you probably have invalid IDs
in that chest, probably coloured cloths (They can be opened in Later
versions though)
Code: (
import nbtlib
from nbtlib import *
import os
#Find world
Worlds = [f for f in os.listdir() if f.endswith('.mclevel')]
print(f'Found world {Worlds[0]}')
print('No worlds found! Check that the file extension is .mclevel and that you have placed something inside the folder.')
#load nbt
nbt_file = nbtlib.load(Worlds[0])
#Make world folder
print('World1 folder already exists, please delete or rename to proceed (or some other error occurred with making the file).')
#Load root tags
About = nbt_file.root['About']
Environment = nbt_file.root['Environment']
Map = nbt_file.root['Map']
Entities = nbt_file.root['Entities']
TileEntities = nbt_file.root['TileEntities']
#Check world properties
if not(Map['Height'] == 64 and Map['Length'] == 256 and Map['Width'] == 256):
print('Unsupported world size. Please recreate your world with the default size to convert')
Type_floating = input('Floating world type? (y/N) ') in ['y', 'Y', 'yes', 'Yes', 'YES']
#Get Player data
print('getting player data...', end='\r')
for i in Entities:
if 'Inventory' in i:
Inventory = i['Inventory']
Motion0 = Double(i['Motion'][0])
Motion1 = Double(i['Motion'][1])
Motion2 = Double(i['Motion'][2])
Pos0 = Double(i['Pos'][0] - 128)
Pos1 = Double(i['Pos'][1] + 33)
Pos2 = Double(i['Pos'][2] - 128)
Rotation = i['Rotation']
Air = i['Air']
try: AttackTime = i['AttackTime']
except: AttackTime = Short(0)
try: DeathTime = i['DeathTime']
except: DeathTime = Short(0)
FallDistance = i['FallDistance']
Fire = i['Fire']
try: Health = i['Health']
except: Health = Short(10)
try: HurtTime = i['HurtTime']
except: HurtTime = Short(0)
OnGround = Byte(1)
Score = i['Score']
SpawnX = Int(Map['Spawn'][0] - 128)
SpawnY = Int(Map['Spawn'][1] + 32)
SpawnZ = Int(Map['Spawn'][2] - 128)
LastPlayed = About['CreatedOn']
try: Time = Long(Environment['TimeOfDay'])
except: Time = Long(0)
#Get entity data
print('getting entity data... ', end='\r')
EntityList = []
for i in Entities:
if 'Inventory' in i:
motion_new = []
for j in i['Motion']:
i['Motion'] = List[Double](motion_new)
pos_new = []
t = 0
for j in i['Pos']:
if t == 1: pos_new.append(Double(j + 32))
else: pos_new.append(Double(j - 128))
t += 1
i['Pos']= List[Double](pos_new)
i['TileX'] = Int(i['TileX'] - 128)
i['TileY'] = Int(i['TileY'] + 32)
i['TileZ'] = Int(i['TileZ'] - 128)
i['xTile'] = Short(i['xTile'] % 16)
i['yTile'] = Short(i['yTile'] + 32)
i['zTile'] = Short(i['zTile'] % 16)
#Get tile entities
print('getting tile entity data... ', end='\r')
TileList = []
for i in TileEntities:
pos = int(i['Pos'])
i['x'] = Int(pos % 1024 - 128)
i['y'] = Int((pos >> 10) % 1024 + 32)
i['z'] = Int((pos >> 20) % 1024 - 128)
#Get blocks into format
Blocks = Map['Blocks']
Zeroes = [Byte(0)] * 32768
print('getting block ID data... ', end='\r')
Blocks_new = Zeroes * 256
i = 0
for a in range(0, 16):
for b in range(0, 16):
for z in range(a*16, a*16+16):
for x in range(b*16, b*16+16):
for j in range(0, 32):
Blocks_new[i+j] = Byte(not(Type_floating))
i += 32
for y in range(0, 64):
Blocks_new[i] = Blocks[(y * 256 + x) * 256 + z]
i += 1
for j in range(0, 32):
Blocks_new[i+j] = Byte(0)
i += 32
#Get data into format
Data = Map['Data']
print('getting block DV data... ', end='\r')
Data_new = Zeroes * 256
i = 0
for a in range(0, 16):
for b in range(0, 16):
for z in range(a*16, a*16+16):
for x in range(b*16, b*16+16):
for j in range(0, 32):
Data_new[i+j] = 0
i += 32
for y in range(0, 64):
Data_new[i] = (Data[(y * 256 + x) * 256 + z] // 16) % 16
i += 1
for j in range(0, 32):
Data_new[i+j] = 0
i += 32
#get the bytes and convert them to nibbles
print('converting block DV data... ', end='\r')
Data_nibbles = []
for i in range(0, 8388608, 2):
byte = Data_new[i+1] * 16 + Data_new[i]
byte -= 256 * (byte > 127)
byte = Byte(byte)
#Calculate height map
print('calculating height map... ', end='\r')
HeightMap = []
for x in range(0, 256):
for i in range(0, 16):
for j in range(0, 16):
n = x*32768 + j*128*16 + i*128
blocks_height_test = Blocks_new[n:n+128]
for j in range(127, -1, -1):
if j == 0:
if blocks_height_test[j] != Byte(0):
#make new level.dat
print('creating level.dat... ', end='\r')
new_file = File({
'': Compound({
'Data': Compound({
'Player': Compound({
'Inventory': Inventory,
'Motion': List[Double]([Motion0, Motion1, Motion2]),
'Pos': List[Double]([Pos0, Pos1, Pos2]),
'Rotation': Rotation,
'Air': Air,
'AttackTime': AttackTime,
'DeathTime': DeathTime,
'FallDistance': FallDistance,
'Fire': Fire,
'Health': Health,
'HurtTime': HurtTime,
'OnGround': OnGround,
'Score': Score,
'LastPlayed': LastPlayed,
'SpawnX': SpawnX,
'SpawnY': SpawnY,
'SpawnZ': SpawnZ,
'Time': Time
})'World1/level.dat', gzipped=True)
#make c.*.*.dat
print('creating chunk files... ')
base36list = ['1k', '1l', '1m', '1n', '1o', '1p', '1q', '1r', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7']
base36signed = ['-8', '-7', '-6', '-5', '-4', '-3', '-2', '-1', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7']
for i in range(0, 16):
for j in range(0, 16):
#calc TileEntity chunk positions
tiles_new = []
for k in TileList:
if (k['x'] + 128) // 16 == i and (k['z'] + 128) // 16 == j:
#calc Entity chunk positions
entity_new = []
for k in EntityList:
if (k['Pos'][0] + 128) // 16 == i and (k['Pos'][2] + 128) // 16 == j:
n = 16*i + j
new_file = File({
'': Compound({
'Level': Compound({
'Entities': List[Compound](entity_new),
'TileEntities': List[Compound](tiles_new),
'LastUpdate': Long(200),
'xPos': Int(base36signed[i]),
'zPos': Int(base36signed[j]),
'Blocks': ByteArray(Blocks_new[n*32768:n*32768+32768]),
'Data': ByteArray(Data_nibbles[n*16384:n*16384+16384]),
'BlockLight': ByteArray(Zeroes[0:16384]),
'SkyLight': ByteArray(Zeroes[0:16384]),
'HeightMap': ByteArray(HeightMap[n*256:n*256+256]),
try: os.mkdir(f'World1/{base36list[i]}/')
except: pass
try: os.mkdir(f'World1/{base36list[i]}/{base36list[j]}/')
except: pass'World1/{base36list[i]}/{base36list[j]}/c.{base36signed[i]}.{base36signed[j]}.dat', gzipped=True)
print(f'Converted world {Worlds[0]} to alpha save format')
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