Minecraft Bedrock All Obtainable glitched items and blocks tutorial
Minecraft Bedrock All Obtainable glitched items and blocks tutorial
These things need specfic versions to work
- Craft Wooden Slabs and keep them in a Chest, these will later be Alpha Slabs
- Place Cactus, Ladders and Sugarcane on Snow Layers
- Craft Nether Reactor Cores, they can also be used to break Bedrock and to obtain Glowing Obsidian with Silk Touch later on
- Place all slab types on the top half of the Block and break the slabs, you should get Slabs with a red Icon
- Go to the edge of the map, place a slab next to the edge of the map, place a torch on the side of the slab and the Torch should face the Direction of the Border
- Craft Buckets and Scoop up Milk, Lava and Water, because they stack to 64 in this Version and should be kept in a Chest
- Open up a world to LAN and Enter on a second device, Drop Unstackables to the second device, and relog after 10 seconds, then put the items into a chest and they should be a high value like 99+ (These can also be Negative values, but the game also shows it as 99+)
- Renaming anything in an Anvil adds Anvil Uses to the item, making the Item more expensive every time you rename it. (Normally only Possible when adding Enchants to Armor or Tools)
- Beetroot Soup and Minecarts were Stackable in this Version
- Doors in this Version would lose Durabillity when breaking something with it. Doors had 66 Durabillity and keep their Damage Value when updating.
Note: This is only observable via NBT Editors in later versions, and stacking normal doors with Damaged Doors will remove their DV.
- Go to the end, kill the dragon, go into a gateway and break the Chorus Plant with a Silk Touch Pickaxe
- Break a Furnace while its smelting with a Pickaxe (Might have to be a Silk Touch Pickaxe) and you should get "tile.lit_furnace.name"
- Breaking Blocks while they are being moved with a Piston drops the Moving Block tile (Probably needs a Silk Touch Pickaxe)
- Dye a Shulker and place a Hopper facing into the Dyed Shulker Box, then fill the Hopper with Undyed Shulker Boxes and they will go into the Dyed Shulker Box
- Mining a Mob Spawner in this version will drop itself
- On Touchscreen Devices, it was possible to get any item that is used in a recipe, you simply had to tap on a crafting recipe, move one item that you have to an item that you don't have (red background = you don't have the item) and you will get the missing item aswell. This allows you to obtain Lingering Decay Potions from the Decay Arrow Recipe, which normally cannot be obtained in survival.
- End Portal Tiles and End Gateways can be obtained by placing Water in them (Requires Experimental Mode)
- Enchant Books until you get Riptide 2 or 3, these will turn into Curse of Vanishing 2 or 3 in later versions because Riptide used the same ID as Curse of Vanishing
- Portals can be obtained via Mining Block Transfer (Video on how to do it in 1.4.0 here: https://youtube.com/watch?v=dYYz6a0VyDQ) and they did not Update when placed next to each other in this Version
- Flowers, Saplings and Dead Bushes were able to be Waterlogged in this Version. all Saplings except for Dark Oak Saplings update and break, though. Everything else does not Update and is safe to keep
Note: Dark Oak Saplings only update if you place them in a 2x2 form, since they can only grow if they are in a 2x2 form.
- Water and Lava Tiles were obtainable via Mining Block Transfer. Farm Designs by Obi: https://youtube.com/watch?v=dgi1RIchdpI&t=0s
- Bedrock can be obtained by making a Bamboo-based Bedrock Farm in the End. The Farm is powered by End Crystals that regenerate the Bedrock automatically: Farm Tutorial: https://youtu.be/gA4l__oYjQ0
- Bubble Columns can be obtained via Mining Block Transfer (plenty of tutorials for a farm can be found online)
- Open Barrels can be made by Opening a Barrel and using a Sticky Piston and a Button to move the Barrel.
- Treasure Bastions in this Version spawned with a Barrier Block in one of the Lava Pools at the top
- Breaking Nylium/Netherrack with Nether Sprouts above would drop an item that is invisible and when picked up it would have a Fox Spawn Egg icon. This will later turn into a glitched Nether Sprout.
- In this version it was possible to do Gravity Block Conversion. This is done by letting Gravity blocks fall into a Gateway, which then would turn into a different item upon relog.
Items Obtainable from this Glitch are:
Bedrock, Water and Lava Tiles, Fire, Soul Fire, Smooth Stone Bricks, Smooth Purpur, Chiseled Purpur, all Infested Stone Variants, Command Blocks, Barriers, Structure Air and Structure Void (Same Name and ID, only different visual appearence), Jigsaw Blocks, End Gateways, End Portal Tiles (very rare!), Monster Spawners, Stonecutter Blocks, Nether Reactor Cores, tile.info_update.name, tile.info_update2.name, tile.reserved6.name, tile.chemical_heat.name, tile.hard_glass.name, tile.hard_glass_pane.name, tile.underwater_torch.name, Light Blocks (all Light Blocks from 0-15 can be obtained) and Glitch Anvils (Anvils with a "broken" state, It's essentially what an anvil turns into when it breaks before it actually disappears, The "Unobtainable Tweaks" Texture Pack changes the appearance of these Broken Anvils so they are easier to find.)
If your menu is Glitched, use the Menu Fix in the Texture Pack Folder
- Wandering Traders sold Ink sacs with a damage value (These can't be used in a Crafting Table)
- In Woodland Mansions you can obtain Leather Helmets with Efficiency 1, aswell as tile.glow_stick_black.name. The helmets can be found in a Secret Room with a chest and a Tree. That can easily be found since the Room Entrance is blocked off but still visible. The Glow Sticks however are very rare since they only spawn in the Fake End Portal Room, which has a very low chance of spawning and unlike the Helmet Room there is no way of telling it is there. You can use the Mansion Hider pack in the Texture Pack folder to look through the walls and easily find the Portal room.
Note: The Fake End Portal Room can only spawn on the 1st floor and the Chest in that room is a Trapped Chest that would set off TNT if not removed
- Taking Damage mid-air right before you land will give you absorption hearts. The max ammount of absorption hearts you can get is 8 and they will not go away
- Breeding Horses with Swiftness Potions makes the babies faster than their parents, which can also be used to make Horses go faster than the normal max speed
- Foxes can wear Armor in this version by simply dropping them Gear.
- Place a cauldron in a snowy biome and wait for snow to fill the Cauldron to obtain Powder Snow Buckets
- Downgrade to, or if you don't want to do bugs that require Experimental Mode (Requires Experimental Mode)
- Blocks that don't have a full box collision (Slabs for example) can be Snowlogged with Powder Snow in this version (to Snowlog something you have to place a block next to the thing you want to choose and then right-click on the side of the Full block with your Powder Snow Bucket) (Requires Experimental Mode)
- Placing down any Cut Copper Block and updating to would turn the blocks into Unknown blocks. This happens due to the Mojang changing the id's from the cut copper blocks from "minecraft:cut_copper_block" to "minecraft:cut_copper". The Unknown blocks keep the id's saved so going back to will revert them back to cut copper. Breaking them will drop "Unknown"
-Let a wither blow up Powder Snow by punching him to get a Powder Snow Block
- Feed an Axolotl to obtain Non-stacking Buckets (Keep the buckets in a non-placed Shulker Box) (Requires Experimental Mode)
-Turn on the Caves and Cliffs toggle, go into the World to load chunks (Don't do this in your base unless you want to!) and then update to 1.17.0, this will elevate all Chunks that are loaded by 64 blocks, creating Monolith-like Terrain, and it removes any Tile Entity Data, resulting in things like Mobless spawners. (It elevates Chunks outside of your Render Distance aswell because the game loads them in the Background so be careful!)
- Walls connect to Powder Snow
- Place these on Lightning Rods:
Torches (1), Snow layers, Buttons, Lever, Corals, Scaffolding, Bell, Rails, Tripwire Hook (1), Repeater, Comparator, Redstone Dust, Doors, Pointed Dripstone, Twisting Vines, Vine (1), Ladder (1), Glow Lichen (1= Can only be placed on the side)
- Glow Lichen can be placed on Farmland and Dirt Paths
- Hanging Roots can be Waterlogged
- Removing Water from Bubble Columns with Dispensers won't destroy the Bubble Column and just un-waterlogs it
- Waterlogging Stairs/Slabs and breaking them doesn't update the Water allowing you to make Floating Water
- Mineshafts can replace Dripleaf which allows you to find Floating Dripleaf Stems in Mineshafts. It is relog proof, but super super rare due to the very specific requirements (the dripleaf must generate on the same x and z as the mineshaft and at the correct height such that the top gets cut off.) If you want to see for yourself, Enter the seed -1970066601 and go to the coordinates: -266 7 -253 (It should be near those coordinates)
- Previously loaded chunks will get 64 bedrock layers if you turn on the Caves & Cliffs Experimental Toggle, this is changed in and previously loaded chunks will not get 64 bedrock layers once you turn on the Caves & Cliffs Experimental Toggle
- Snow layers will float if you break the grass block underneath
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