Minecraft Java Edition How to get Glitched Items and Blocks
Minecraft Java Edition How to get Glitched Items and Blocks
You need other versions to get
(PDV: Potentially Dangerous Version)
Indev 20100128:
- Generate a World to get the Indev House with 100 Count items
Indev 20100206:
- Golden Hoes in this Version had 513 Durabillity, allowing you to get Golden Hoes with Negative Durabillity in later versions by using them up
(Infdev 20100325: You can't normally save in this version, due to saving and loading being broken, therefore you need the modded version in the Files Folder to be able to save aswell as see coordinates.
This version does remove the Indev House, so you would have to do some File Editing to keep the Brick Pyramid aswell as the Indev house.
- Pyramids spawn at around x 500, z 500)
(Infdev 20100327:
!!! PDV: In this version, block entities such as chests and furnaces do not save their contents unless the chunk they are in receives an update, potentially causing the loss of items. !!!
- Crop DV's can be changed by placing a sapling in an area where it can't grow and then replacing it with seeds, resulting in Crops with unused Textures. Textures for Invalid Crop DV's can be found in the "Invalid Crop Textures" Folder.
Note: Invalid DV Crops get removed in 14w26a!)
Infdev 20100611 - Alpha v1.1.2_01:
- In these Versions, Monoliths can generate. They are completely filled with void below if generated between Infdev 20100624 and Infdev 20100629 and are filled by large lakes with bedrock floors if generated in or before Infdev 20100618, or in or after Infdev 20100630. Monoliths are quite rare, spawning within 10,000 blocks of spawn most of the time and discovering them is harder due to low render distances and Sprinting not existing. Seed finding Tools can be used to make this process easier and one can be found in the Files folder, although it is very slow. (You have to filter it as "Extreme Hills Plus" to find Monoliths) You can also change the Seed using NBT-Editors to save time. One known seed with a Double Monolith is -8597063586375549026, but they are pretty close though and you may have to delete Chunks for them to spawn incase the Chunks have been loaded before. (Chunk Deletion tool can also be found in the Files Folder.)
Infdev 20100615:
- Lava can flow up to 8 blocks in this Version
- Lava can flow next to Water
- Flowers and Mushrooms can be next to Liquids and can block the Liquids from flowing
- Lava and Water also flow straight down, instead of spreading when flowing down, allowing you to make Liquid Pillars
Infdev 20100625-2 (Secret Friday 2):
!!! In this version, placing signs and destroying minecarts will crash the game. Until Infdev 20100629, containers that had an infinite lava source in them cannot be opened without crashing the game due to the item's removal. Destroying these containers will make the world unplayable until Infdev 20100629. !!!
- Placing a Sign next to a Spawner (can be a naturally generated Spawner or a manually placed Spawner) will change the Spawner into a Sign Spawner upon Saving & Quitting. This will lock you out of the world until you update, though.
Alpha 1.0.1_01:
- In this version you are able to place a button on the top of a block and if there is a support block on the side, the game will place a floating button in the middle of the block.
- Levers and Buttons can be placed on Chests
Alpha 1.0.6:
- In this version, Cactus acted like a normal Block, allowing you to place them next to each other, mid-air or place Support blocks like Torches or Doors onto the Cactus
Infdev 20100618 - Alpha 1.1.2_01:
- Chunks generated in this Version Range will generate without Bedrock
Alpha 1.0.5 - Beta 1.4_01:
- Stone and Wooden Pressure Plates can be placed in the air by placing it on the side of a burning block. This will replace the Fire and will place the Pressure Plates mid-air, updating them once they are touched
- Sugarcane can be placed on any block if you place it in a Water Source
Beta 1.2:
- Using the same Method as the one used for Pressure Plates, you can place Cake in mid-air
- Placing Cactus next to Doors breaks the lower half of the Door (This can also be used for Beds)
Beta 1.3 (Pre-reupload):
- Respawning in this Version gives you a set of Diamond Tools aswell as 64 Beds (the Pre-reupload can be found in the Files folder)
- The "§" Symbol can be put into the World name, allowing you to make Colored World Names, however, some formatting Codes like "§k" aren't implemented in these Versions and will not appear until a version that supports them
- Wooden Slabs crafted in this Version later turn into Petrified Oak Slabs
- Anything can be put into Fuel and Output Slots of Furnaces
Beta 1.5:
- Rails, Torches and Redstone can be placed on Chests
- Redstone can power through Chests
Beta 1.8 Prerelease-1:
- Endermen are able to hold any Block with a full collision box, allowing you to get Endermen that hold: Bedrock, Spawners, Infested Stone, Chests
(You have to make a Cage of some sort to prevent it from placing the Blocks and you must keep it in an Unloaded Chunks until you have Name Tags. To do this, the player either should turn their render distance as low as possible and then walk away from the enderman or more reliably, exit through nether portal. This will unload the chunk and save the enderman in it. Then you must make sure never to reload the chunk until you have a name tag to use on it. When you do have the name tag and plan to re-enter the chunk make sure to turn your render distance as low as possible once again or go through the nether portal.)
- Vines can be placed on Chests and below Chests
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3-1:
- Upon respawning, you get End Portal Frames aswell as Tiles
- The Frames can also be used to make an End Portal in the Nether
(From ~1.8 to ~1.11 entering any End portal in the Nether can do any of the following:
• Work properly.
• Crash the game.
• Send you to Overworld spawn.
• Send you to the same coordinates you entered in the Nether in the End and delete the chunk, causing you to fall to your death.)
- Enchanting anything, whether it be armor or a tool, will add Feather Falling I to it. Note that this worked for any enchantment level, meaning it didn't matter if it was a level 1 enchantment or level 50, the enchantment will still be Feather Falling I.
This could also be done in 12w49a with Anvils, however, this is the only way to get feather falling equipment without a repair cost tag
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4:
- In Beta 1.9 Pre-release 4, using an enchantment table the player can obtain Fortune and Silk Touch on a pickaxe, axe, or shovel. This can be done on any variant (Wood, Stone, Iron, Gold, Diamond) and can be turned into Netherite in later Versions
- Breaking Infested Stone with Silk Touch will drop it as an item
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4-1:
- Ice can be obtained with Silk Touch (required for 12w16a)
- Pressing ctrl+backspace when naming a world adds U+007F (DELETE) to the world name (it will replace the character before it. It can be combined with § in release 1.1 to become coloured.)
- Any ice put in the Nether that was melted would not evaporate and would turn into Water
- removing the name at the top of the anvil would remove the name. This creates the empty string: ""
- Invalid items cn be placed into Brewing Stands by shift-clicking or by using a number to move a stack of glass bottles from the hot bar to a potion slot
- This version allowed any enchantment to be to applied to any item in an anvil. To do so, the player must put the item in the first slot and the enchanted book in the second slot. This will result in an enchanted item output that will consume XP like any other enchantment. Only one enchantment can be put on any item. The enchantments can be combined though, so for example, a Sharpness II dirt could be combined with a Sharpness II enchanted book to create a Sharpness III enchanted dirt.
13w06a (Pre-reupload):
!!! PDV: Loading a chunk that contains a hopper minecart in this version will crash the Game !!!
- Placing any minecart type will create a Spawner Minecart (the Pre-reupload can be found in the Files folder)
2.0 April Fools:
- All zombie pigmen will hold enchanted signs. There is a 8.5% chance of the pigman dropping the sign. The best received are Looting 3, Knockback 2, Fire Aspect 2, and Smite/Bane of Arthropods/Sharpness 5, but sharpness 5 is rarer than the Smite or Bane of arthropods 5 variants
- Zombie pigmen holding battle signs with can pick up loot set to false can also be obtained
- Enchanting anything except enchanted books via enchanting table would add the enchant tag, but not actually apply any enchantments. In 1.11 pre-1, the items lose their glint. This, however, does not revert them to normal, because they still have the enchanted tag, with 0 entries. A good way to tell them apart from regular items is to press F3+H to see if it has 2 NBT tags (or one more than expected if the player has gotten additional tags such as a name).
- Trading with any previously traded with villager that trades 2 items for one item will have the second slot item completely removed. Any newly traded with villagers will require a world reload in order to have their second buy slot removed.
- Fishing rods with Lure or Luck of the Sea will transfer over the enchantmenrs upon crafting the carrot on a stick
- Silk touch can be applied to Shears
- All Zombies and Zombie Pigmen that spawn will have NoAI set to 1. Zombie Villagers can also spawn with NoAI set to 1, which then can be converted over to NoAI Villagers
- End city ships didn't have elytras yet and spawned with a Written Books that are signed by Searge instead
- Placing and Breaking Minecarts with Chests or Hoppers will drop Minecarts that are named "container.minecart"
- brewing a potion in a brewing stand with other items in other potion slots would add the potion tag to those items
- Skeleton Horses would have a random number of health. The main skeleton horse would always have 53 HP, and the other 3 would have a random value from 15 to 30 HP.
- Every vindicator that spawns in a woodland mansion
- Using an anvil, the curse of vanishing enchantment could be applied to any item from 16w39a
- In an anvil, you could combine a Looting book or Luck of the Sea book in the first slot with a Silk Touch book in the second slot
- Mending and Infinity can be applied to a Bow
- Open the inventory with a 2x2 grid and click on the crafting recipe for the bed. This will place 1 plank on the player's head
- you can use the newly added crafting GUI to duplicate items and overstack them. To do this you must trick the game into thinking the item you are picking up is the result of a craft. For example, crafting stone bricks and stacking iron armor you would use an auto right clicker a 1 ms and click on the stone bricks in the new GUI. At the same time picking up the iron armor that was an entity on the ground.
- Mushroom Blocks can be used as Furnace Fuel
!!! PDV: In this version, drowned cause a ticking entity crash. Rejoining the world will load the drowned again, making it impossible to play the world again. !!!
- In an anvil, a trident with riptide can be combined with a trident with channeling/loyalty.
- An enchanted book containing the incompatible trident enchants is also possible.
- Items can be used up to 0 Durabillity
- Books can have Formatted Text. A paragraph symbol and letter/number would have to be copied (§l for example). Then, within a book and quill, press "control v". This would paste the formatting code into the book.
- There is no check on shears durability when used in a dispenser to shear a sheep, which means you can get Shears ranging from -1 to -2,147,483,409. Trying to use a -2,147,483,409 durability shear in a dispenser will create a normal shear with 0 damage.
- Arrows of Luck were available as a master level trade from Fletchers
3D Shareware V1.34:
!!! If you want to know how to load your world in this Version, look at the Text Document called "How to load April Fools' Versions" !!!
- Barrels that randomly spawn had a rare chance to contain a Potion of Luck, Splash Potion of Luck, or Lingering Potion of Luck as a potion
- Flaming barrels would generate and had a chance to contain a crossbow with multishot 2-12. The crossbow is always named BFC9000 and doesn't have a repair cost tag. An enchanted crossbow with multishot 12 can also be obtained as a master level trade from a fletcher. This is an incredibly rare trade however, and is approximately a 7 in 5,000 chance
- There was a chance of arrows spawning in the loot barrels. These arrows would have a random potion effect, exactly like tipped arrows. This is the only way to get the potion tags of Slow Falling, Extended Slow Falling, Turtle Master, Strong Turtle Master, Extended Turtle Master, Strong Slowness, and luck on arrows. These appear to be normal arrows but have an unobservable NBT tag which is a potion tag as if it was a tipped arrow. The tag has no effect on the use of the arrow.
- A special horse with ridiculous attributes can be obtained by typing "howdoyouturnthison". The horse always spawns tamed, wearing diamond horse armor and a saddle, and is always type 0. Unlike other horses, it has a ridiculously high HP value, of 200, however only 60 hp is visible when riding. The speed and jump values of the horse are both 3.0, meaning it can run approximately 126.5 blocks per second and jump roughly 34.34 maximum blocks.
- Any barrels that are opened during this version display the texture of an open barrel after updating. There has to be an item inside a barrel for this to work, otherwise the barrel will explode
!!! PDV: These gamerules cannot be set back to true without commands. Only do this if you really want to. !!!
- Many parity gamerules were added from MCBE. Updating or starting a world in 19w36a will set these gamerules to false. The game rules that were affected by this were: drowningDamage (player will not drown), drowningDamage (player will not take fall damage), fireDamage (player will take no damage in fire and no damage in lava, lava won't occur until the next snapshot 19w37a), doInsomnia (no phantoms will ever spawn in the world again)
1.15 Combat Test 5:
- Axes can be Enchanted with Sword Enchants. (Looting I - III, Knockback I-II, Fire Aspect II, and Sweeping Edge I-III) Enchanting also allowed the regular sword enchantments, meaning the axes could receive Bane of Arthropods or Smite or Sharpness without a repair cost, which does not work normally
!!! PDV: Some of the custom dimensions will crash the game, leading to the player not being able to leave the dimension. Be sure to make a Backup! If you want to know how to load your world in this Version, look at the Text Document called "How to load April Fools' Versions" !!!
- Wild/Untamed Skeleton Horses can spawn naturally in some Dimensions. They spawn as passive mobs, meaning they can only spawn on grass blocks. A known location is the dimension "q3" at around 1357, -1126. Baby Skeleton Horses have a 20% chance of spawning and the baby forms are capable of fitting into the boat but once they grow up they can no longer fit
- Zombie Horses can spawn naturally in some Dimensions. They spawn as passive mobs, meaning they can only spawn on grass blocks. Known locations for these are "zz" at around 381, -411, aswell as "q3" at around 1357, -1126. Just like the Skeleton Horses, Baby Zombie Horses have a 20% chance of spawning and the baby forms are capable of fitting into the boat but once they grow up they can no longer fit
- Wandering Traders can spawn naturally in some Dimensions and they will have a despawn delay of 0 meaning they won't despawn if they are name tagged. Known dimensions for these are "5466788" aswell as "soul fire". Turning subtitles on may help the player locate them if they are invisible
- Illusioners can spawn naturally in some Dimensions. A known location is the dimension "a". They can also spawn as Raid Captains and will have ominous banners on top of their heads.
- Giants can spawn naturally in some Dimensions. Known dimensions for these are "aaaaaaaaaaaaa", "b", and "z". There is a chance that a Giant is left-handed as well but this is unobservable
- Trading for an explorer map in certain dimensions would generate a map exclusive to that dimension. This requires a cartographer villager to trade an explorer map in a certain dimension. These maps will always be an Apprentice (Tier 2) level trade for the Ocean Monument map, and a Journeyman (Tier 3) level trade for the Woodland Mansion map. These are the only known dimensions to generate an explorer map trade: blacklight, blue, chess, colors, darkness, decay, green, holes, pillars, red, rooms, skygrid, slime, wall, zones
- Player Heads can be found in some Dimensions, one example being the "~N" dimension at 190, -60
- Structure Voids generate randomly in the "skygrid" dimension. These structure voids could be instantly mined by the player. Although they couldn't drop structure voids, they could leave the player with the "mined" statistic
- Books with obfuscated authors can be obtained by finding a box of infinite books. There are many dimensions that include them but the best dimension is "library" which contains shelves of them from the bottom to the top of the world
- A book with "Developer" as an author can be obtained by going to the "llama" dimension. It is an easter egg dimension that brings the player to a room with a llama. In the corner of the room with the portal and window, there is a hidden chest containing the book
- Order Books can be found in the end ships generated in the "Between" biome. The "fleet" dimension will generate a grid of end ships which also contain these books. The second half of the generated text inside was always obfuscated, as well as the author of the book
- A barrier block was left in the structure files for the bastion remnant when they were first introduced in 20w16a. The specific location of the barrier is in the lava pool at the end in the bastion/treasure/ramparts/lava_basin_main part of the structure. Only 1 lava basin main can be found per bastion remnant and so only 1 barrier can generate per bastion remnant too
1.16 pre7:
- Items such as armor, golden swords, and crossbows dropped by piglins from bastion remnants can have duplicate and/or incompatible enchantments. The new enchantments from a bastion remnant are appended to a growing list of enchantments that resets upon reloading the world. To obtain the Items, piglins must be killed in bastion remnants. The more consecutive bastion remnants visited, the more enchants can be obtained because the enchants accumulate.
- Bundles can be overstacked by putting them inside another bundle. Start off by putting some bundles into a bundle item and putting it in your inventory, fill all other slots with items and attempt to empty the bundle. When the bundles fall on the ground they will be stacked. The max you can stack them to with this method is 16 but you can combine multiple 16 stacks to create a 64 stack.
- Zombies, Zombie Villagers, Husks, and Drowneds can pick up Glow Ink Sacs
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